In this day and age, the E-Mail has overtaken the copy machine, the notice board and memo slips and has become the main mode of communications in the corporate environment. What with the various departments passing on orders, counter orders, memos, the daily email traffic in a large company can easily run into the hundreds. Or if you are like me, that have all my interactions with my Facebook friends, bosses, colleagues, parents all converging in my Inbox, then you would need something to help compartmentalize your emails, you need Rule based filtering.
Rules are special logical statements that can be used as guidelines for eM Client to separate your incoming emails into different groups. For instance you can make a rule like "All emails from your friend Bob to a special folder 'Bob's emails'" or "All emails from the accounting department with the Keyword 'weekly report' in the subject to go to the folder 'weekly accounting report'" All you have to do is to make two rules and apply them, and all the emails from Bob and all weekly accounting reports will be taken out of your Inbox and put into their respective folders.
You can create and manage your rules by selecting Tools -> Rules...
In the window you can see a list of your rules, their names, when they are to be invoked and on which accounts.
You can make a new rule, modify or remove the existing one. You can also change priority of rules and apply rules...
You can modify rules in the rule creation window you see when you create new rules - you can define conditions, actions and exceptions.
Remove of rule is very easy - just select the rule from the list and click Remove rule.
Just select the rule in the list and click Move up or Move down with higher rules superceding lower ones.
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